
Error message

Deprecated function: The each() function is deprecated. This message will be suppressed on further calls in _menu_load_objects() (line 579 of /var/www/html/califadev/includes/menu.inc).

Califa Mission Statement
Califa provides cost effective delivery of services, programs, and products through a membership network of California libraries.

WHAT is Califa?
The Califa Group is a membership-based service bureau designed to provide member-enhanced, value-added services to all California libraries. On behalf of its members, Califa brokers and facilitates the delivery of products and services. We also pioneer new technological projects such as the Enki eBook collection, a consortium-owned eBook platform created in partnership with Contra Costa County Library.

Califa is a 501C3 non-profit public corporation under the laws of California, in order to accept tax-deductible donations and foundation grants for library programs.

HOW did Califa come about?
Califa is built upon more than thirty years of successful statewide cooperative system experience. When the Library of California was denied State funds, a new model of service delivery was suggested by a group of California librarians. Califa was launched with a Library Services and Technology Act grant from the California State Library in July, 2003. Other support for the organization’s start-up is provided as cash and in-kind funding from Charter Members.

WHAT services does Califa provide?
Califa officially launched at the California Library Association and California School Library Association Conferences in November, 2003, after a statewide series of focus groups detailed priorities of products and services. Master contracts and pricing agreements are in continuous development by staff in response to member requests.

HOW are services delivered?
Califa’s online presences provide members with up to date information on products and services. We also hold in person meetings, and events like our annual Edgy Librarian online conference, our annual Vendor Fair, and various committee meetings.

WHO is involved?
The Board of Directors set the policies and direction of Califa, but the member library staff are the most involved in the many programs and services of Califa.

Operations are being handled by contract with the Peninsula Library System. Member libraries and their staff are involved in all the activities and services being developed by Califa. Califa has developed strategic partnerships with other California consortia and professional organizations to avoid duplication of effort and increase efficiencies.